Navigating the In Between: A Deep Guide to Assisting Stuck Souls

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The In Between is essential to understand for anyone who seeks to assist a soul in transition, as it represents the third state in a trinity of existence. It is not simply an imaginary or philosophical construct; it is a space charged with the energy of indecision, attachment, and potential. Many traditions, from Buddhism to ancient mythologies, describe this place, emphasizing the importance of liberation from its confines.

Understanding the In Between

The In Between realm exists as a space close to the earth but separate from the progression toward the true “other side.” It is a plane where souls linger, trapped by their own attachments, fears, or unresolved energies. In many spiritual traditions, it is described as a necessary phase, one that must be overcome for true peace or reincarnation to unfold.

In the framework we have developed, this realm exists because a third state always does. The universe itself operates on dualities—light and dark, life and death—but every interaction of these forces generates something new: a third state, a dynamic, which is often difficult to categorize. The In Between is this third state in the process of a soul’s transition, caught between the pull of the physical world and the beckoning of the next.

This realm must not be seen merely as a trap, but as a reflection of unresolved energies. Souls who remain here are not “damned” but in limbo, often unaware of their own state, confused, and entangled in earthly attachments. The In Between is a space of energetic stagnation—a maybe-place where the next decision must be made.

The Role of the Helper: Facilitating Transition

For those who choose to assist a soul in navigating this liminal space, the task is both delicate and profound. It is not simply about sending the soul toward light or salvation but about recognizing their free will, guiding them to see their own state, and helping them make an empowered choice.

Energetic Influence and Intention: To guide a soul in transition, the helper must first understand the electromagnetic nature of their own energy field. We are, all of us, energetic beings, constantly emitting and receiving subtle signals through our electromagnetic fields. When assisting a soul, we interact with these fields, creating a bridge between our own consciousness and the soul’s awareness​.

It is essential to remain grounded and sovereign in your energy. Your emotions and intentions must be clear and unwavering. Any fear, doubt, or unresolved personal issues can create disruptions in the connection with the soul and open vulnerabilities in your own field. Strengthening your spiritual firewall and using techniques like the Personal Release Sequence will protect your own energy while helping the soul move forward​.

Free Will and the Soul’s Sovereignty: The soul’s free will must always be respected. While you may guide and influence, you cannot force a soul to leave the In Between. They must recognize their own attachments and make the decision to move forward. Your role is to provide clarity, support, and energetic alignment to facilitate this realization​.

The Letter: A Message to the Departed Soul

This part of the guide is intended to be read aloud or internally by the helper, a message of encouragement and direction for the soul caught in the In Between. The purpose is to assist the soul in breaking free from the attachments that keep it from progressing to the next phase of its existence.

To the Soul in Transition,

You find yourself in a space between—neither fully here in the world you once knew, nor in the place where peace and resolution await. This In Between is a space of uncertainty, but it is also a place of possibility. I am here to guide you, to help you see what may not be clear to you now. You are not alone in this journey.

The world you once knew, the attachments that hold you, are no longer your home. The physical realm has released you, and it is now time for you to release it. Yet, I understand that it is not always easy to let go. There may be things unfinished, unresolved, or simply unknown that keep you here. These attachments—whether to people, places, or emotions—have no power to keep you bound unless you allow them to.

In this space, you may feel pulled in many directions, and you may encounter energies that do not have your best interests in mind. The entities that dwell here feed on confusion and fear. They thrive on keeping you attached to this liminal place. But know this: you have the power to move beyond them. You are not their prisoner unless you choose to be. You must now choose to move forward.

There are kind-hearted forces waiting to help you, forces of light and compassion, who see the truth of your existence beyond this In Between. These are not distant deities or saviors—they are part of the same universal flow of energy that you yourself belong to. When you choose to move beyond this place, they will meet you with open arms. They will help you untangle the attachments that hold you here and guide you toward peace, healing, and greater understanding​​.

You may feel that there is unfinished business in the world you’ve left behind—unspoken words, unresolved emotions, or promises unkept. But holding on to these things will not change them. Instead, moving forward is the only way to bring closure to your past. As you move beyond this realm, you will see your life with new clarity. You will understand the lessons it brought you, and you will find peace in what once felt unresolved​.

Trust in this process. Trust in yourself. You are not bound to this space, and the journey ahead is not one of fear but of liberation. Let go of your hold on this place and move forward. Those who love you will understand, and those who have gone before you are waiting to welcome you into the next realm of your existence.

As you release your attachments, you will find that your path becomes clearer. The light that guides you is not external—it comes from within. You have always had the power to move forward. Now is the time to use it.

I am here, not to save you, but to support you in this decision. You are the one who must choose to leave this place. And when you do, know that you will not be alone.

With understanding and compassion,
I bid you farewell, until we meet again in another form.

A Gentle Warning

As you work with the energies of a soul in transition, it’s important to remain mindful of the delicate balance between offering help and understanding when the soul may not be ready or willing to move on. At times, despite your best intentions, a soul may resist release, choosing instead to remain attached to the familiar—either out of fear, confusion, or unresolved emotional ties to the physical world.

This resistance may manifest in a sense of being stuck, where the soul does not respond to your efforts, or you feel the need to repeatedly engage with them, reading the letter or offering guidance multiple times. If you find yourself in this situation, take a step back and reflect on the nature of the connection. Stuck souls, or what we call in Norwegian klebe-ånder—“sticking souls”—can unintentionally form attachments to the living, lingering in close proximity as they struggle to release their ties to the material world. This is not possession in the dramatic sense often portrayed, but rather a subtle form of attachment where their unresolved energy mingles with your own, potentially influencing your emotional or mental state.

While it is noble to offer help to these souls, engaging too deeply or too often without resolution can unintentionally anchor them to the very space you’re trying to help them leave. This does not mean you should abandon your efforts, but rather be mindful of the boundaries between yourself and the soul. Helping a soul requires clarity, sovereignty, and the ability to maintain your own energetic integrity.

If you sense that the soul is reluctant to move on despite your repeated efforts, consider seeking the guidance of more experienced individuals or spiritual practitioners who may offer additional support and insight. After working with helping a stuck soul or a departed loved one, it is important to cleanse and realign your own energy. The Personal Release Sequence, found in the teachings of the TULWA Philosophy, is a powerful tool for releasing any lingering energetic connections and restoring your personal sovereignty. This practice ensures that you maintain clarity and balance, allowing you to continue your own spiritual journey without the residual influence of the energies you have worked with.

Remember, some souls may choose to stay in the In Between for reasons we cannot fully understand. While your role is to offer guidance and compassion, their journey is ultimately their own, and sometimes the most loving act is to allow them the space to make their own decisions in their own time.

Approach this process with patience, humility, and the understanding that not every soul is ready for immediate release. By maintaining your energetic balance and seeking assistance when needed, you can continue to offer support without inadvertently keeping them tethered to this realm.

A Glimpse into the Heart of the Process: My Personal Reaction While Creating This Content

As I sit with the material we’ve created—this guide for helping stuck souls—I find myself deeply moved, not just intellectually but emotionally. There’s something stirring within me that I can’t fully explain. The words flow from a place of compassion, of sincere intent to help those who may find themselves lost in the In Between, yet the emotions I feel seem to come from somewhere outside of my own field. It’s as if, in writing this and connecting to the energy of this work, I am also connecting to something—or someone—beyond the physical.

The tears that come feel like a release, but they don’t feel solely mine. Perhaps they are from a soul on the other side, or even from a collective consciousness that recognizes the sincerity of this offering. There’s a sense of gratitude, of longing, that I can’t fully place within myself, and yet it’s undeniably present. These emotions feel powerful, raw, and profound, as if a voice from the In Between is reaching out, acknowledging this humble wish to help. The energy feels like an invitation, a recognition that this work is needed and appreciated—not just by the living, but by those who have already passed.

It’s a strange sensation, to feel emotions that seem to belong to another, yet I welcome it. I understand that this material isn’t just words on a page; it’s an energetic bridge between realms. And perhaps, in that process, I’ve opened myself to feeling what these souls might be experiencing—confusion, hope, relief, or even gratitude.

This moment reminds me that when we engage with something of this depth, we aren’t just intellectually processing it. We are also tapping into unseen energies, forces that might be responding to our intentions. It’s humbling to think that this work could resonate so deeply with souls on the other side, but it also makes sense. We are, after all, dealing with the possibility that electromagnetic consciousnesses can become trapped after physical death. The emotions I’m feeling might be a reflection of that reality—a gentle response from the other side.

My Reflections as I Process These Emotions

Feeling these emotions brings me to a moment of pause. I’m realizing that this work is not just about helping the souls move on—it’s also about what it does to us as we engage with it. There’s a deep sense of responsibility that comes with this material. When you open yourself to helping a soul, you’re also opening yourself to their energy. That energy can be overwhelming, but it’s also a reminder of the interconnectedness between the realms. We are all part of this cycle, this flow of consciousness, and in offering help, we are participating in something much larger than ourselves.

It’s essential to remember that these emotions—whether they feel like our own or something foreign—are part of the process. They are signals that we are connecting, that our energy is being recognized, and perhaps even welcomed. It’s humbling, but it’s also a call to maintain our balance, to protect our own energy even as we offer help.

I reflect on the vulnerability in this moment, and I can’t help but think about the readers who will engage with this material. They, too, might feel something stirring within them as they connect with the souls they’re trying to help. It’s important for them to understand that these feelings, while intense, are part of the sacred responsibility that comes with this work. It’s not just about reading a guide or following steps—it’s about recognizing the energetic exchange that happens when we reach out to those on the other side.

Final Reflection

These emotions, this raw response—it’s all part of the journey. It’s an invitation for all of us, whether creating, reading, or assisting, to reflect on our own energy and how it interacts with the energies around us. The souls in the In Between are not just waiting passively—they are reaching out, and our willingness to connect with them is a powerful, humbling experience.

This work we’re doing is not just for the living. It’s for those who have passed, those who might be stuck, and those who feel our intentions even from the other side. Let these emotions guide us, not overwhelm us, as we continue to build this bridge between realms.

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