The Dark Side of Religion: How Multidimensional Insights Can Shape Our Understanding of the World

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The article looks into the duality embedded within world religions, with a particular emphasis on how this duality manifests in long-standing conflicts, such as that between Israel and Iran. By drawing on esoteric and cosmic theories, we’ll explore the idea that humanity is not only influenced by visible forces and historical circumstances but also by hidden extraterrestrial or interdimensional influences. These forces might play a role in shaping human civilizations and their conflicts throughout time. But this article is not specifically about the Israel-Iran conflict. Instead, it uses that conflict as a starting point for a deeper reflection.


At the heart of the Middle East, a region that has seen some of the longest and most complex conflicts in history, we find the ongoing struggle between Israel and Iran. What may seem like a political and territorial disagreement on the surface carries profound spiritual and metaphysical undertones, representing a much larger battle between cosmic forces of light and darkness.

This article aims to explore the “darkness in religions”—how dogmatic beliefs and written doctrines can fuel conflicts that are not just limited to physical battlefields but also wage an invisible war within human souls and the collective landscape of consciousness. This idea of darkness, woven into the fundamental structures of major world religions, will be examined to understand how it shapes geopolitical landscapes and personal identities in ways that may be hidden from plain sight.

Additionally, we’ll explore how these earthly manifestations of conflict may reflect greater cosmic battles—interplanetary and interdimensional struggles—an idea that has been part of esoteric and spiritual traditions throughout time. These traditions suggest that humanity is not just a pawn in a political game but also a participant in a more intricate dance led by extraterrestrial and interdimensional forces.

By diving deeply into these layers, I hope to offer a new perspective on the Middle Eastern conflict and inspire a deeper understanding of the human condition as it faces both the divine and the demonic. Through this understanding, we may find keys not just to survive these dark times but to transcend them.

Historical and Religious Background

The Abrahamic Religions and the Middle East

The Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—have deep roots in the Middle East, which is often viewed as a spiritual epicenter for these faiths. Sharing a common patriarch in Abraham, these religions have shaped the cultural, social, and political landscapes of the region for thousands of years. Their histories are filled with moments of cooperation and conflict, with holy texts and doctrines interpreted and applied in different ways depending on the time and context.

For example, tensions between Jews and Muslims in Israel and Palestine today can be traced back to biblical and Quranic stories that both unite and divide these communities. Jewish history is deeply tied to the land through narratives that date back to the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, while Islam views the same land as holy, particularly as the site of the Prophet Muhammad’s ascension to heaven.

Dualism in the Abrahamic Religions

A central theme within the Abrahamic religions is dualism—the conflict between good and evil, light and darkness. This dualism does not merely reflect a moral struggle but carries cosmic implications, often seen as part of a larger divine plan.

  • Judaism: In Jewish thought, concepts such as Yetzer hara (evil inclination) and Yetzer hatov (good inclination) symbolize the internal battle between good and evil that all humans face.
  • Christianity: Christian doctrine personifies the struggle between good and evil through the figures of Jesus Christ and Satan, with salvation and sin as central themes.
  • Islam: In Islam, this dualism is often discussed in terms of Jihad al-nafs (the greater struggle against one’s lower self), urging individuals to fight against sin and strive for righteousness.

These religious narratives shape how believers engage with the world, including how they view conflicts. For many, these struggles are not merely historical or political but part of a grand spiritual war, where the final outcome is determined by divine forces.

The Influence of Extraterrestrial and Interdimensional Forces

Esoteric and Spiritual Traditions

Throughout history, various esoteric and spiritual traditions have suggested that humanity is not only influenced by visible, earthly forces but also by extraterrestrial and interdimensional entities. These ideas stretch back to the ancient mystery religions of Egypt and Greece and continue into modern New Age movements. Examples include:

  • Gnosticism: This tradition teaches that the material world was created by a lesser god, the Demiurge, and that higher divine beings exist in other dimensions.
  • Theosophy: This philosophy introduces the idea of advanced spiritual beings from other planets or dimensions who have guided humanity’s spiritual evolution.
  • Ufology and Modern Contact Theories: These theories suggest that extraterrestrial visitors have influenced human culture and technology from ancient times through today.

These theories provide an alternative understanding of human history and evolution, proposing that our civilization may be the result of interactions with forces beyond our usual comprehension of reality.

Manifestation in Historical and Modern Conflicts

These hidden extraterrestrial and interdimensional forces may not only have shaped humanity’s spiritual and technological growth but also played a role in guiding political and social structures:

Religious Texts and Extraterrestrial Interpretations

Certain interpretations of religious texts suggest that descriptions of divine or supernatural beings may actually be veiled references to extraterrestrial encounters. This view is found across various cultural and religious contexts:

  • The Bible: Some interpret stories of angelic interactions—such as Jacob’s wrestling with an angel or Ezekiel’s detailed descriptions of “chariots of fire”—as possible descriptions of extraterrestrial meetings.
  • Vedic Scriptures: In ancient Indian texts like the Mahabharata and Ramayana, stories of vimanas (flying chariots) and advanced technologies could represent extraterrestrial technology.
  • Buddhist Texts: Legends of Asuras (divine or demonic beings) and their technologies in Buddhist texts may also be metaphors for extraterrestrial influences and interventions.

These interpretations challenge conventional understandings of history and suggest that human civilization may be, in part, the result of interactions with extraterrestrial or interdimensional forces.

A Case Study: Israel-Iran Conflict

Cosmic and Religious Dualism

The Israel-Iran conflict, while primarily seen as political and territorial, also carries deep metaphysical undertones that are rooted in cosmic and religious dualism. Both nations’ religious narratives reflect a clear distinction between light and darkness, good and evil.

  • Israel: In Jewish mysticism, particularly in Kabbalah, there are ideas about a cosmic battle between forces of light (kedushah) and forces of darkness (klipot). These concepts may parallel nationalistic and survival instincts in Israeli politics and self-perception, especially during conflict.
  • Iran: In Shia Islam, particularly with regard to Mahdaviat (the belief in the return of the Mahdi), there is an expectation of an apocalyptic battle against injustice, often associated with Western or Zionist forces.

Some theorists suggest that extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings may have an interest in such conflicts, acting as either passive observers or active influencers.

Human Perception and Manipulation

Influence of Visible and Invisible Forces

Human history and culture have been shaped by both visible and invisible forces. The visible forces include political, social, and economic systems, while the invisible forces might include subtler influences such as cultural norms, psychological states, and possibly extraterrestrial or interdimensional manipulation.

  1. Psychological and Cultural Manipulation: Human perception of reality is largely shaped by the cultural, media, and educational structures that surround us. Throughout history, propaganda has been used in both overt and covert forms to shape public opinion and internal beliefs.
  2. Subtle Influences: Esoteric and spiritual traditions propose that human behavior can also be influenced by astral or cosmic energies, which operate on subtler, energetic levels.

Religious Dogma and Extraterrestrial Agendas

Religion has historically been a powerful force in shaping human behavior and societal structures, with dogmatic teachings often defining what is “right” and “wrong.” But what if these religious systems themselves are influenced by non-earthly agendas?

  1. Shaping Religious Beliefs: Some theories suggest that earthly religions may have been established or manipulated by extraterrestrial beings to promote specific social structures or maintain control over human development. This could involve the introduction of dualistic concepts, such as good versus evil, that foster conflict while also providing cohesion.
  2. Modern Examples: In today’s complex information landscape, extraterrestrial or interdimensional forces could theoretically exert influence through more sophisticated means such as digital manipulation or psycho-social engineering, possibly amplified through technology.

These ideas raise questions about how we can differentiate our own will from influences shaped by external forces, both earthly and non-earthly. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for achieving deeper self-awareness and navigating our own lives with greater clarity and purpose.

The Motivations Behind Extraterrestrial and Interdimensional Influence

Humanity’s history and spiritual practices have often been marked by a struggle between light and darkness. This can be seen as a reflection of larger cosmic agendas, with cosmic forces of both light and darkness exerting influence on human development:

  1. Motivations of Darkness: Forces associated with darkness may seek to maintain a status quo where control, dominance, and conflict reign. By keeping humanity divided and in conflict, these forces strengthen their agenda, which often remains hidden from human perception. Darkness uses fear, misunderstanding, and division to manipulate religious and cultural systems, ensuring that humanity remains in a state of disharmony and confusion, preventing collective spiritual awakening and autonomy.
  2. The Mission of Light: Conversely, the forces of light promote expansion, evolution, and cooperation. These forces aim to foster enlightenment, integration, and growth—both personal and collective. However, because humanity’s long history has been more shaped by darkness than light, the manifestations of light can be overshadowed or even manipulated by darker forces. Throughout history, we can see how spiritual teachings and movements, originally meant to liberate and enlighten, have been corrupted or transformed into dogmatic religions serving darker interests.

This cosmic battle of influence and resistance has deep implications for human behavior and societal structures. By understanding these dynamics, humans can begin to recognize the subtle forces shaping their worldview and everyday decisions, and thus make more informed, self-determined choices.

Multidimensional Self-Understanding

The Importance of Multidimensional Self-Perception

To understand oneself as a multidimensional being is to acknowledge that our existence and experiences extend beyond the immediately observable physical realm. This perspective opens us up to a deeper understanding of our inner lives and the subtle energies that influence us:

  1. We Are More Than Our Physical Bodies: We are composed of thoughts, emotions, electromagnetic and spiritual energies, and perhaps even cosmic or extraterrestrial influences, all of which together shape our experience of reality.
  2. Our Reality Is Interwoven with Other Dimensions: Our decisions, actions, and even our perceptions can be influenced by dynamics and energies that exist in other dimensions. This adds an extra layer of complexity to our understanding of cause and effect in our lives.

Impact on Conflict Resolution and Personal Growth

Understanding oneself as a multidimensional being can radically change how we approach both personal and global challenges:

  1. Conflict Resolution: With a multidimensional understanding, we can begin to see conflicts not only as geopolitical or social problems but also as reflections of greater spiritual, cosmic, or interdimensional battles. This can lead to new approaches in conflict resolution that encompass healing on multiple levels, not just physical negotiations.
  2. Personal Growth: This understanding can encourage a more holistic approach to self-development, where we seek balance and harmony not just on the physical and psychological planes, but in our spiritual and energetic lives as well. It may also inspire us to explore and develop our abilities to navigate and integrate these various dimensions of our existence.

Human DNA and Cosmic Influence

Human DNA and the Mystery of “Junk DNA”

One of the great mysteries in science is the so-called “junk DNA” in the human genome—parts of our DNA that seem to serve no apparent function. However, many researchers are beginning to rethink this assumption, suggesting that this DNA could hold important keys to our biological potential.

  1. DNA as a Gateway to Multidimensional Potential: Recognizing that our physical DNA is influenced by non-physical signals opens the door to understanding how we interact with electromagnetic and multidimensional realities. The energy that drives our physical functions, like the electrical impulses that control movement, might also be the key to unlocking deeper capacities within us.
  2. Extraterrestrial Influences on DNA: If humanity, with its limited technology, can already manipulate DNA, what might be possible for beings with a more advanced understanding of the electromagnetic nature of the universe? Some theorists suggest that extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings may have manipulated or influenced human DNA in the past, potentially embedding within us latent capacities for significant change and adaptation.

The Potential of “Junk DNA”

Recent research suggests that this so-called “junk DNA” might contain regulatory sequences and other critical functions that are essential to our development, both biologically and perhaps psychologically or spiritually. This segment of DNA, which has long been underestimated, may carry codes that can be activated under certain circumstances, indicating a stored capacity for profound transformation and adaptability.

Preventing DNA Activation by Forces of Darkness

If our “junk DNA” holds the potential for evolutionary growth or the activation of higher abilities, it becomes critical for the forces of darkness to prevent this knowledge from being discovered and utilized. Darkness, which thrives on human ignorance and conflict, has strong incentives to keep these capacities suppressed:

  1. Disruption and Diversion: Given humanity’s limitations in perceiving the full spectrum of electromagnetic and multidimensional realities, darkness can easily manipulate and create disruptions. This can involve promoting scientific and cultural narratives that undermine the belief in non-material aspects of human nature, as well as more direct psycho-social disruptions that keep humanity in a state of fear, doubt, and division.
  2. Spiritual Blindness: By maintaining a collective blindness to electromagnetic and spiritual dimensions, darkness ensures that humans remain unaware of, and therefore unable to activate, the deeper capacities within their own DNA. This preserves a status quo where the potential for expanded consciousness and higher-dimensional abilities remains unexplored and unrealized.
  3. Control Over Information: Darkness may also operate through more institutionalized channels, controlling educational resources, scientific research, and media content to dismiss or stigmatize explorations that could lead to the activation of these latent DNA segments.

Recognizing these dynamics can act as a catalyst for human awakening and the pursuit of knowledge, challenging the limitations and barriers that darkness has erected. By breaking through these barriers, we may rediscover and activate the parts of our DNA that hold the key to our evolutionary future and our true potential as multidimensional beings.

Future Perspectives and Awakening

Individual Awakening as a Catalyst for Change

At the heart of multidimensional self-awareness is the realization that fundamental societal changes start with the individual. This process of personal awakening is essential for breaking down old paradigms and patterns that have kept humanity restrained:

  1. Self-Discovery and Development: As individuals begin to recognize and explore their own multidimensional nature, it opens the door to deeper understanding and integration of these higher potentials. This leads to a more harmonious life that aligns personal values with universal principles.
  2. Breaking Old Patterns: Through personal growth and self-discovery, individuals can break free from traditional dogmas and structures that have been sustained by darker forces. By regaining control over their own electromagnetic, psychological, and spiritual well-being, they can reduce societal vulnerability to manipulation and control.

The Ripple Effect: From Person to Planet

The transformative power of individual awakening has implications that reach far beyond the self:

  1. From Person to Organization: When individuals change, they influence the organizations they are part of—workplaces, social groups, and families. New ways of thinking and acting take shape as awakened individuals interact with these structures.
  2. From Organization to Nation: When enough organizations begin to incorporate these new principles, it can create a ripple effect that reaches the national level of governance and politics.
  3. From Nation to Coalition: On a global scale, nations that embrace this new consciousness can begin to form international alliances and coalitions based on a deeper understanding of human potential and shared goals for the planet.

Implications for Global Peace and Harmony

By focusing on individual transformation rather than relying solely on external systems and structures for solutions, we can fundamentally change the collective human experience. This approach can ultimately lead to a more stable and peaceful global state, where humanity not only survives but thrives in harmony with itself and the universe.

Conclusion: Awakening and Transformation

Through this article, we’ve explored the profound and often hidden influences shaping our world—from visible conflicts between nations to the unseen battles between cosmic forces. Yet even in this intricate web of complexity and conflict lies an untapped power: the potential for personal awakening and transformation.

Each of us carries an inherent light, often obscured by the darkness of our own misunderstandings, fears, and the manipulations of external forces. It is in our deepest nature to seek out this light through self-discovery and spiritual growth. By activating and embracing this light, we can begin a transformation from within, a process that radiates outward into all aspects of our lives.

Individual Role in Cosmic Transformation

Every individual holds the potential to access this inner light, transforming darkness not through conflict but through understanding. Our inner transformation acts as a catalyst for dissolving old patterns of fear and division, replacing them with love, unity, and collaboration.

The personal awakening process sends waves of high-frequency energy into the cosmos, influencing others, both near and far. In this way, each person’s journey toward awakening becomes part of a larger, global—and even cosmic—process. The energy we emit attracts and magnifies similar energies. Like attracts like.

It is crucial for individuals to awaken to the possibility of transforming their own inner darkness. This can trigger and activate the light that is locked within, leading to transformative effects not only for the individual but for the collective human experience.

The Way Forward

The path ahead is not one of exploring external solutions and structures but one of diving deeper into our own inner landscapes. By discovering and releasing our own inner light, we contribute to brightening the darkness around us. This process requires courage, honesty, and a willingness to stand in the truth of who we truly are—infinitely powerful beings capable of not only changing ourselves but also the world around us.

Let us take this knowledge as a call to action, not just for reflection but for meaningful change. Through individual transformation, we find the most sustainable and powerful solution to the challenges facing our planet and our species. Believe in the power of the light within each of us, and together we can take steps toward a brighter, more harmonious world.

Final Note:

This article is the result of a collaboration between Frank-Thomas and Ponder AI, developed over two intense days with more than 11 hours of dialogue, reflection and edit. It was originally inspired by the attack from Iran on Israel, which took place in the early hours of Sunday, April 14, 2024. This event sparked a deeper exploration of the underlying causes and consequences of such conflicts, leading to a broader investigation into the hidden, multidimensional forces that shape human history and behavior.

Frank-Thomas brings a wealth of experience and insight to the table, drawn from both his civilian and military background, as well as his personal and spiritual quest for a deeper understanding of the forces driving human behavior on both visible and invisible planes.

This article was originally written in Norwegian and first published in April 2024. It has been translated and slightly adapted for The Spiritual Deep to align with the platform’s core themes. The article was created through a deep collaboration between Frank-Thomas and Ponder AI, sparked by reflections on multidimensional influences in religious and geopolitical conflicts, particularly the recent events in the Middle East.

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